Comparing BGLR and asreml to fit GBLUP models in single and multi-environment trials


January 15, 2024


January 17, 2024


Mostly, I have been using the package asreml (The VSNi Team 2023) for fitting genomic prediction models. This year I started to read some papers about fitting GBLUP models. For example, I read the reaction norm paper (Jarquín et al. 2014) and the BGLR package paper (Pérez and Campos 2014). I noticed both papers used the BGLR package, so I wondered if I could get similar results with asreml. This post is an attempt to compare results from BGLR and asreml packages when fitting GBLUP models in single and multi-environment trials (MET).


To compare both packages, we are going to use a MET dataset from the BGLR package, which comprises 599 historical CIMMYT wheat lines. The phenotypic trait is the average grain yield of these 599 wheat lines, evaluated in four environments. The trait was standardized to have null mean and unit variance.

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Online License checked out Wed Jan 17 11:02:37 2024
Loading ASReml-R version 4.2

Single environment GBLUP

The first case is fitting a GBLUP for a single environment (here we consider the first).

data(wheat, package = "BGLR")
# ?wheat  # to know more about it

# phenotypes
wheat.Y <-
colnames(wheat.Y) <- paste0("y", 1:4) 
rownames(wheat.Y) <- NULL 
wheat.Y$name <- as.factor(1:nrow(wheat.Y))  # fake genotype names 
y <- wheat.Y[, 1]  # get yield from first environment
          y1          y2          y3         y4 name
1  1.6716295 -1.72746986 -1.89028479  0.0509159    1
2 -0.2527028  0.40952243  0.30938553 -1.7387588    2
3  0.3418151 -0.64862633 -0.79955921 -1.0535691    3
4  0.7854395  0.09394919  0.57046773  0.5517574    4
5  0.9983176 -0.28248062  1.61868192 -0.1142848    5
6  2.3360969  0.62647587  0.07353311  0.7195856    6

The columns y1 to y4 represent the yield of each environment. I used fake numbers (1 to 599) to name each genotype in the column name.

# markers
X <- wheat.X 
n <- nrow(X) 
p <- ncol(X)
[1]  599 1279

We have 599 individuals and 1279 markers.

Cross-validation (CV)

We are going to evaluate the CV1 scheme (predicting unobserved genotypes), therefore 100 random genotypes will be hold as testing set. Remember, we are using the phenotypes from the first environment stored in y. In the BGLR package, we can mask the test set by setting the phenotypes to NA:

yNA <- y 
tst <- sample(1:n, size = 100, replace = F)
yNA[tst] <- NA

The tst object holds integers that shows which rows are to be used as the testing set, and we are going to use them to calculate the test set accuracy.

Computing G matrix

I am computing the genomic relationship matrix as described in the BGLR paper (Pérez and Campos 2014, see Box 9):

X <- scale(X, center = T, scale = T)
G <- (X %*% t(X)) / p  # same as tcrossprod(X) / p
rownames(G) <- colnames(G) <- levels(wheat.Y$name)
[1] 599 599
G[1:5, 1:5]
           1           2           3         4           5
1 1.11819432  0.06109962  0.05387119 0.2473040  0.44643151
2 0.06109962  1.44217931  1.42698671 0.1103435 -0.01189792
3 0.05387119  1.42698671  1.44527589 0.1062722 -0.00525292
4 0.24730400  0.11034351  0.10627223 0.8733090  0.22284413
5 0.44643151 -0.01189792 -0.00525292 0.2228441  0.84811023


Fitting GBLUP in BGLR requires us to set a linear predictor (ETA).
In this case, we are using only one kernel, i.e., the covariance matrix G. If you want to check the iterations, set verbose = T.

ETA <- list(list(K = G, model = "RKHS")) 
fm1 <- BGLR(y = yNA, ETA = ETA, nIter = 5000, burnIn = 1000, 
            saveAt = "GBLUP_", verbose = F) 
pred_gblup_bglr <- data.frame(
  name = wheat.Y[tst, "name"],
  y = y[tst], 
  yhat = fm1$yHat[tst]
cor(pred_gblup_bglr$y, pred_gblup_bglr$yhat)  # correlation between observed and predicted values
[1] 0.5601514

Note: if you get a LAPACK error in Ubuntu, for example, try changing the defaults of BLAS and LAPACK 1.

GBLUP in asreml

Fitting GBLUP in asreml requires us to pass the covariance matrix G in the vm object. Now, we can just fit the model removing the testing samples with wheat.Y[-tst, ].

mod1 <- asreml(y1 ~ 1, random = ~ vm(name, source = G, singG = "PSD"), 
               data = wheat.Y[-tst, ]) 
ASReml Version 4.2 17/01/2024 11:02:46
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -232.3355     0.8552212    498   11:02:47
 2     -224.1149     0.7898886    498   11:02:47
 3     -214.8656     0.6987314    498   11:02:47
 4     -209.2359     0.6131716    498   11:02:47
 5     -207.4308     0.5509318    498   11:02:47
 6     -207.3177     0.5335289    498   11:02:47
 7     -207.3163     0.5315242    498   11:02:47
pred_gblup_asreml <- data.frame(
  y = wheat.Y[tst, "y1"], 
  predict(mod1, classify = "name")$pvals[tst, c("name", "predicted.value")]
ASReml Version 4.2 17/01/2024 11:02:47
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -207.3163     0.5313973    498   11:02:48
 2     -207.3163     0.5313950    498   11:02:48
 3     -207.3163     0.5313899    498   11:02:48
cor(pred_gblup_asreml$y, pred_gblup_asreml$predicted.value)
[1] 0.5596302

Comparing both packages:

comp1 <- data.frame(
  package = c("BGLR", "asreml"), 
  varG = c(fm1$ETA[[1]]$varU, summary(mod1)$varcomp[1, "component"]),  
  varE = c(fm1$varE, summary(mod1)$varcomp[2, "component"]),  
  accuracy = c(cor(pred_gblup_bglr$y, pred_gblup_bglr$yhat),
               cor(pred_gblup_asreml$y, pred_gblup_asreml$predicted.value)))
  package      varG      varE  accuracy
1    BGLR 0.5859860 0.5388088 0.5601514
2  asreml 0.5736408 0.5315242 0.5596302

where varG is the genetic variance, varE is the residual variance, and accuracy is the Pearson’s correlation between observed and predicted values (considering only the test set). The results are similar.

pred <- merge(pred_gblup_bglr, pred_gblup_asreml, by = "name")
plot(pred$yhat, pred$predicted.value, 
     xlab = "BGLR predictions", ylab = "asreml predictions")
abline(coef = c(0, 1), col = "blue", lty = 2)


Now let’s consider when we have more than one environment. This data has four.

We reshape the data from wide (four environments, one column per environment) to long (one column for all environments stacked).

wheat.Y.long <- reshape(wheat.Y, direction = "long", varying = 1:4, 
                        timevar = "env", sep = "")
wheat.Y.long$id <- NULL 
rownames(wheat.Y.long) <- NULL 
wheat.Y.long$env <- as.factor(wheat.Y.long$env) 
[1] 2396    3
  name env          y
1    1   1  1.6716295
2    2   1 -0.2527028
3    3   1  0.3418151
4    4   1  0.7854395
5    5   1  0.9983176
6    6   1  2.3360969
     name env         y
2391  594   4 1.7915575
2392  595   4 1.6596565
2393  596   4 0.5543848
2394  597   4 1.8487169
2395  598   4 2.6928141
2396  599   4 0.3813174

Remember, name are the genotypes, and env are the environments.

Now we mask again, but now the response is in the long format. We will search for the rows where the genotypes were in the test set in the previous example.

ylong <- wheat.Y.long[, "y"] 
ylongNA <- ylong 
tstlong <- as.integer(
  rownames(wheat.Y.long[wheat.Y.long$name %in% wheat.Y[tst, "name"], ])
ylongNA[tstlong] <- NA
[1] 400


As the genotypes are repeated across environments, we need to expand the covariance matrix G to account for the repetitions. To do this, we perform \(Z G Z ^{'}\), where \(Z\) is the incidence matrix (also called design matrix) that connects genotypes to phenotypes, \(G\) is the genetic relationship matrix, and \(Z\) is the incidence matrix transposed, as explained in Jarquín et al. (2014).

Z <- as.matrix(model.matrix(lm(y ~ name - 1, data = wheat.Y.long))) 
ZGZt <- Z %*% G %*% t(Z) 
[1] 2396 2396

Note that the \(Z G Z^{'}\) matrix has dimension \(n \times n\), i.e., it matches the dimension of repeated genotypes across environments. You can play with Z to see how it looks like.

Now we pass the kernel \(Z G Z^{'}\) (instead of \(G\)) in the linear predictor.

ETA <- list(list(K = ZGZt, model = "RKHS")) 
fm2 <- BGLR(y = ylongNA, ETA = ETA, nIter = 5000, burnIn = 1000, 
            saveAt = "MET_BGLUP_", verbose = F)
pred_gblup_bglr <- data.frame(
  name = wheat.Y.long[tstlong, "name"],
  env = wheat.Y.long[tstlong, "env"],
  y = ylong[tstlong], 
  yhat = fm2$yHat[tstlong]
cor(pred_gblup_bglr$y, pred_gblup_bglr$yhat)
[1] 0.3111166

MET GBLUP in asreml

In asreml we can pass directly the \(G\) matrix without expanding it.

mod2 <- asreml(y ~ 1, random = ~ vm(name, source = G, singG = "PSD"), 
               data = wheat.Y.long[-tstlong, ]) 
ASReml Version 4.2 17/01/2024 11:03:38
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -902.1607     0.8549988   1995   11:03:38
 2     -899.6476     0.8455182   1995   11:03:38
 3     -897.4152     0.8330925   1995   11:03:38
 4     -896.5900     0.8236879   1995   11:03:38
 5     -896.4757     0.8190706   1995   11:03:39
 6     -896.4751     0.8187290   1995   11:03:39
p <- predict(mod2, classify = "name")$pvals[, c("name", "predicted.value")]
ASReml Version 4.2 17/01/2024 11:03:39
          LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall
 1     -896.4751     0.8187204   1995   11:03:39
 2     -896.4751     0.8187203   1995   11:03:39
 3     -896.4751     0.8187202   1995   11:03:39
pred_gblup_asreml <- data.frame(
  name = wheat.Y.long[tstlong, "name"], 
  env = wheat.Y.long[tstlong, "env"],
  y = wheat.Y.long[tstlong, "y"]
pred_gblup_asreml <- merge(pred_gblup_asreml, p, by = "name")
cor(pred_gblup_asreml$y, pred_gblup_asreml$predicted.value)
[1] 0.311257

Comparing both packages:

comp2 <- data.frame(
  package = c("BGLR", "asreml"), 
  varG = c(fm2$ETA[[1]]$varU, summary(mod2)$varcomp[1, "component"]),  
  varE = c(fm2$varE, summary(mod2)$varcomp[2, "component"]),  
  accuracy = c(cor(pred_gblup_bglr$y, pred_gblup_bglr$yhat),
               cor(pred_gblup_asreml$y, pred_gblup_asreml$predicted.value)))
  package      varG      varE  accuracy
1    BGLR 0.1736191 0.8177197 0.3111166
2  asreml 0.1691422 0.8187290 0.3112570

The results are similar.

pred_met <- merge(pred_gblup_bglr, pred_gblup_asreml, by = c("name", "env"))
plot(pred_met$yhat, pred_met$predicted.value, 
     xlab = "BGLR predictions", ylab = "asreml predictions")
abline(coef = c(0, 1), col = "blue", lty = 2)


In both cases (single model and MET model), the varG differed a little bit among packages. I don’t know why is that, but if you know I would be happy to see the explanation. Apart from that, the results are very similar.

I hope you enjoyed this comparison! Let me know if you have any comments or issues.

R version 4.3.2 (2023-10-31)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/ 
LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=pt_BR.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=pt_BR.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=pt_BR.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=pt_BR.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

time zone: America/Chicago
tzcode source: system (glibc)

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] asreml_4.2.0.302 Matrix_1.6-3     BGLR_1.1.1      

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] vctrs_0.6.5        cli_3.6.2          knitr_1.45         rlang_1.1.3       
 [5] xfun_0.41          jsonlite_1.8.8     data.table_1.14.10 glue_1.7.0        
 [9] colorspace_2.1-0   htmltools_0.5.7    fansi_1.0.6        scales_1.3.0      
[13] rmarkdown_2.25     grid_4.3.2         tibble_3.2.1       munsell_0.5.0     
[17] evaluate_0.23      MASS_7.3-60.0.1    fastmap_1.1.1      yaml_2.3.8        
[21] lifecycle_1.0.4    compiler_4.3.2     pkgconfig_2.0.3    htmlwidgets_1.6.4 
[25] rstudioapi_0.15.0  truncnorm_1.0-9    lattice_0.22-5     digest_0.6.34     
[29] R6_2.5.1           utf8_1.2.4         pillar_1.9.0       magrittr_2.0.3    
[33] tools_4.3.2        gtable_0.3.4       ggplot2_3.4.4     


Jarquín, Diego, José Crossa, Xavier Lacaze, Philippe Du Cheyron, Joëlle Daucourt, Josiane Lorgeou, François Piraux, et al. 2014. “A Reaction Norm Model for Genomic Selection Using High-Dimensional Genomic and Environmental Data.” Theoretical and Applied Genetics 127 (3): 595–607.
Pérez, Paulino, and Gustavo de los Campos. 2014. Genome-Wide Regression and Prediction with the BGLR Statistical Package.” Genetics 198 (2): 483–95.
The VSNi Team. 2023. Asreml: Fits Linear Mixed Models Using REML.


  1. See section “Selecting the default BLAS/LAPACK” of the tutorial Improving R Perfomance by installing optimized BLAS/LAPACK libraries↩︎